You will submit peer review commentary through BlackBoard's respective Unit Peer Review boards.

Participation and Peer Review


Students will be able to engage in critical discourse amongst their peers regarding the creation and growth of their project-based work.

Understanding the Peer Review Process

In EDCI 59100, formative evaluation is an essential part of the project development process. When creating design specifications as complex as our learning spaces this semester, it is extremely helpful to receive the feedback of your peers as well as the instructor in order to gain full perspective of your topic and your work thus far. Therefore, during each of the four units as well as the final presentation in this course, you will engage in peer review using the Discussion tool within BlackBoard. In order to participate in Peer Review, you must first post your own work for others to view:

  1. Review the Assignment description for the unit and develop a draft.
  2. Enter the Unit Peer Review forum for the respective unit where designated (or find it in the Discussions tab on the left-hand menu).
  3. Create a new message. You may attach and all files you have developed for the unit in question, as well as provide any commentary or summary for your peers.

Next, you will need to review each others' work. Reviews will be conducted in a "round robin" format; in this way, everyone will have an equal chance to review each others' work and receive an equal amount of feedback. So, at the start of each unit, you will each be assigned to a new "Review Partner(s)" - review the persons you are assigned to and they will do the same for you. Of course, you may certainly view others' posts as well; however, your grade will be determined by whether you provide a review for your assigned Review Partners for that unit.

To conduct peer review in BlackBoard:

  1. Enter the Unit Peer Review forum and locate your Review Partner's posting. Read through their provided materials, and click the "Reply" button when ready to review.
  2. Provide insights regarding your colleague's ideas, document construction, adherence to the assignment, and any other additional comments you may have.
  3. You may wish to use Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature to directly add comments to a colleague's document. If you are unfamiliar with this terrific and useful feature, please visit

Each unit, including the final presentation, will hold a peer review session conducted in the above manner. It is intended to be a fun and useful experience - therefore, please make an honest attempt to provide clear, useful feedback to your classmates.

Once you have some reviews...

  1. Revise your work! Consider your peers' feedback, as well as any you may have received from the instructor, and revise your assignment accordingly.
  2. Turn in your finalized work to the instructor through the Assignment Submission area in the respective module.

Before the final presentation...

  1. Utilize all of the feedback you have received as well as any additional insights you have developed throughout the semester to return to each unit assignment and "polish it up" accordingly.
  2. You will be turning in a final version of each unit assignment as part of your final project presentation, where it will effectively be graded a second time as part of the whole body of work you have developed throughout the semester.
  3. Updating and revising your work for the final presentation is highly recommended, and will result in a higher grade and a higher quality project overall. A primary theme in this course is growth through reflection and evaluation - therefore, do not miss the opportunity to show what you have learned!
